Single Jewish Moms Connect Virtual Retreat


May 3-5, 2021

Morning, Afternoon & Evening Sessions.
Sign up once. Attend as much as you can!

On Zoom or Your Phone


Forward/2021 Agenda

Click the tab for the schedule in your time zone.



7:45 pmWelcome to Single Jewish Moms Connect – Forward/2021!

8:00 pm Tips for a More Balanced, Peaceful Home: How to manage the stress, the moods and the chaos so you and your kids are happier and healthier
Sarah Chana Silverstein, author of Moodtopia

9:00 pm The Secret to Forging Your Own Path Forward: How to cope when your life isn't what you thought it would be
Rabbi Manis Friedman

TUESDAY, MAY 4 Morning

9:45 am Wisdom You Need: 3 BIG ideas to turn your world right-side up

10:15 am Tips to Raising a Mentch: Kids these days! Is this a different generation? Do we have what it takes to raise to them?
Rabbi Manis Friedman

12:00 pm Meet, Connect, Network over breakfast, lunch or dinner

TUESDAY, MAY 4 Afternoon

2:15 pm The Gift of Deep Relaxation: Yoga, Shmoga, let’s have some fun and de-stress
Anna Libkhen

2:30 pm The Secret to Gratitude: We talk about it all the time. Here’s how to experience gratitude every single day, no matter what’s going on around you
Freidy Yanover

3:30 pm Tips for Online Dating: Real life, practical tips to meet and marry your “Bashert” from the people at JWed
Derek and Devora Saker, followed by Q&A

TUESDAY, MAY 4 Evening

7:00 pm Meet, Connect, Network over breakfast, lunch or dinner

7:30 pm The Wisdom of Women–Moms Tell Their Stories: All that stuff you didn’t expect – and how to embrace it

9:00 pm The Secret to Love that Lasts: Learn what to aim for and how to get there
Rabbi Manis Friedman


9:00 am The Gift of Good Guidance: How to find a mentor who’s right for you (and be one for someone else!)
Freidy Yanover

10:00 am Tips to Empower You: How to make savvy financial decisions to protect yourself and your family, now and in the future
Sara Faitelson, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst and Financial Educator

Email Sara at

10:30 am Wisdom You Need For Life–Q&A: Doubt and confusion weigh you down. Clarity is liberating. Get it in today’s Q&A.
Rabbi Manis Friedman

Email Rabbi at

12:30 pm Meet, Connect, Network over breakfast, lunch or dinner

1:00 pm Tips for Holistic, Healthy Living for your mind, body and soul
Rivkah Krinsky

2:00 pm Door Prize! How to take home what you learned and make it last
Itty Kay



6:45 pmWelcome to Single Jewish Moms Connect – Forward/2021!

7:00 pm Tips for a More Balanced, Peaceful Home: How to manage the stress, the moods and the chaos so you and your kids are happier and healthier

Sarah Chana Silverstein, author of Moodtopia

8:00 pm The Secret to Forging Your Own Path Forward: How to cope when your life isn't what you thought it would be

Rabbi Manis Friedman

TUESDAY, MAY 4 Morning

8:45 am Wisdom You Need: 3 BIG ideas to turn your world right-side up

9:15 am Tips to Raising a Mentch: Kids these days! Is this a different generation? Do we have what it takes to raise them? 

Rabbi Manis Friedman

11:00 am Meet, Connect, Network over breakfast, lunch or dinner

TUESDAY, MAY 4 Afternoon

1:15 pm The Gift of Deep Relaxation: Yoga, Shmoga, let’s have some fun and de-stress

Anna Libkhen

1:30 pm The Secret to Gratitude: We talk about it all the time. Here’s how to experience gratitude every single day, no matter what’s going on around you

Freidy Yanover

2:30 pm Tips for Online Dating: Real life, practical tips to meet and marry your “Bashert” from the people at JWed

Derek and Devora Saker, followed by Q&A

TUESDAY, MAY 4 Evening

6:00 pm Meet, Connect, Network over breakfast, lunch or dinner

6:30 pm The Wisdom of Women–Moms Tell Their Stories: All that stuff you didn’t expect – and how to embrace it

8:00 pm The Secret to Love that Lasts: Learn what to aim for and how to get there 

Rabbi Manis Friedman


8:00 am The Gift of Good Guidance: How to find a mentor who’s right for you (and be one for someone else!)

Freidy Yanover

9:00 am Tips to Empower You: How to make savvy financial decisions to protect yourself and your family, now and in the future

Sara Faitelson, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst and Financial Educator

Email Sara at

9:30 am Wisdom You Need For Life–Q&A: Doubt and confusion weigh you down. Clarity is liberating. Get it at today's Q&A.

Rabbi Manis Friedman

Email Rabbi at

11:30 am Meet, Connect, Network over breakfast, lunch or dinner

12:00 pm Tips for Holistic, Healthy Living your mind, body and soul

Rivkah Krinsky

1:00 pm Wrap Up!

Itty Kay



4:45 pmWelcome to Single Jewish Moms Connect – Forward/2021!

5:00 pm Tips for a More Balanced, Peaceful Home: How to manage the stress, the moods and the chaos so you and your kids are happier and healthier

Sarah Chana Silverstein, author of Moodtopia

6:00 pm The Secret to Forging Your Own Path Forward: How to cope when your life isn't what you thought it would be

Rabbi Manis Friedman

TUESDAY, MAY 4 Morning

6:45 am Wisdom You Need: 3 BIG ideas to turn your world right-side up

7:15 am Tips to Raising a Mentch: Kids these days! Is this a different generation? Do we have what it takes to raise them? 

Rabbi Manis Friedman

9:00 am Meet, Connect, Network over breakfast, lunch or dinner

TUESDAY, MAY 4 Afternoon

11:15 am The Gift of Deep Relaxation: Yoga, Shmoga, let’s have some fun and de-stress

Anna Libkhen

11:30 am The Secret to Gratitude: We talk about it all the time. Here’s how to experience gratitude every single day, no matter what’s going on around you

Freidy Yanover

12:30 pm Tips for Online Dating: Real life, practical tips to meet and marry your “Bashert” from the people at JWed

Derek and Devora Saker, followed by Q&A

TUESDAY, MAY 4 Evening

4:00 pm Meet, Connect, Network over breakfast, lunch or dinner

4:30 pm The Wisdom of Women–Moms Tell Their Stories: All that stuff you didn’t expect – and how to embrace it

6:00 pm The Secret to Love that Lasts: Learn what to aim for and how to get there

Rabbi Manis Friedman


6:00 am The Gift of Good Guidance: How to find a mentor who’s right for you (and be one for someone else!)

Freidy Yanover

7:00 am Tips to Empower You: How to make savvy financial decisions to protect yourself and your family, now and in the future

Sara Faitelson, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst and Financial Educator

Email Sara at

7:30 am Wisdom You Need For Life–Q&A: Doubt and confusion weigh you down. Clarity is liberating. Use today’s Q&A to get the clarity you need.

Rabbi Manis Friedman

Email Rabbi at

9:30 am Meet, Connect, Network over breakfast, lunch or dinner

10:00 pm Tips for Holistic, Healthy Living for mind, body and soul

Rivkah Krinsky

11:00 pm Door Prize! How to take home what we've learned and make it last

Itty Kay


Tues, MAY 4

12:45 amWelcome to Single Jewish Moms Connect – Forward/2021!

1:00 am Tips for a More Balanced, Peaceful Home: How to manage the stress, the moods and the chaos so you and your kids are happier and healthier

Sarah Chana Silverstein, author of Moodtopia

2:00 am The Secret to Forging Your Own Path Forward: How to cope when your life isn't what you thought it would be

Rabbi Manis Friedman

2:45 pm Wisdom You Need: 3 BIG ideas to turn your world right-side up

3:15 pm Tips to Raising a Mentch: Kids these days! Is this generation different? Do we have what it takes to raise them?

Rabbi Manis Friedman

5:00 pm Meet, Connect, Network over breakfast, lunch or dinner

TUESDAY, MAY 4 Evening

7:15 pm The Gift of Deep Relaxation: Yoga, Shmoga, let’s have some fun and de-stress

Anna Libkhen

7:30 pm The Secret to Gratitude: We talk about it all the time. Here’s how to experience gratitude every single day, no matter what’s going on around you

Freidy Yanover

8:30 pm Tips for Online Dating: Real life, practical tips to meet and marry your “Bashert” from the people at JWed

Derek and Devora Saker, followed by Q&A


12:00 am Meet, Connect, Network over breakfast, lunch or dinner

12:30 am The Wisdom of Women–Moms Tell Their Stories: All that stuff you didn’t expect – and how to embrace it

2:00 am The Secret to A Better Relationship

Rabbi Manis Friedman

2:00 pm The Gift of Good Guidance: How to find a mentor who’s right for you (and be one for someone else!)

Freidy Yanover

3:00 pm Tips to Empower You: How to make savvy financial decisions to protect yourself and your family, now and in the future

Sara Faitelson, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst and Financial Educator

Email Sara at

3:30 pm Wisdom You Need For Life–Q&A: Doubt and confusion weigh you down. Clarity is liberating. Get it in today’s Q&A.

Rabbi Manis Friedman

Email Rabbi at

5:30 pm Meet, Connect, Network over breakfast, lunch or dinner

6:00 pm Tips for Holistic, Healthy Living for mind, body and soul

Rivkah Krinsky

7:00 pm Door Prize! How to take home what we've learned and make it last

Itty Kay


Tues, MAY 4

2:45 amWelcome to Single Jewish Moms Connect – Forward/2021!

3:00 am Tips for a More Balanced, Peaceful Home: How to manage the stress, the moods and the chaos so you and your kids are happier and healthier

Sarah Chana Silverstein, author of Moodtopia

4:00 am The Secret to Forging Your Own Path Forward: How to cope when your life isn't what you thought it would be

Rabbi Manis Friedman

4:45 pm Wisdom You Need: 3 BIG ideas to turn your world right-side up

5:15 pm Tips to Raising a Mentch: Kids these days! Is it a different generation? Do we have what it takes to raise them?

Rabbi Manis Friedman

7:00 pm Meet, Connect, Network over breakfast, lunch or dinner

9:15 pm The Gift of Deep Relaxation: Yoga, Shmoga, let’s have some fun and de-stress

Anna Libkhen

9:30 pm The Secret to Gratitude: We talk about it all the time. Here’s how to experience gratitude every single day, no matter what’s going on around you

Freidy Yanover

8:30 pm Tips for Online Dating: Real life, practical tips to meet and marry your “Bashert” from the people at JWed

Derek and Devora Saker, followed by Q&A


2:00 am Meet, Connect, Network over breakfast, lunch or dinner

2:30 am The Wisdom of Women–Moms Tell Their Stories: All that stuff you didn’t expect – and how to embrace it

4:00 am The Secret to Love that Lasts: Learn what to aim for and how to get there

Rabbi Manis Friedman

4:00 pm The Gift of Good Guidance: How to find a mentor who’s right for you (and be one for someone else!)

Freidy Yanover

5:00 pm Tips to Empower You: How to make savvy financial decisions to protect yourself and your family, now and in the future

Sara Faitelson, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst and Financial Educator

Email Sara at

5:30 pm Wisdom You Need For Life–Q&A: Doubt and confusion weigh you down. Clarity is liberating. Use today’s Q&A to get the clarity you need.

Rabbi Manis Friedman

Email Rabbi at

7:30 pm Meet, Connect, Network over breakfast, lunch or dinner

8:00 pm Tips for Holistic, Healthy Living for mind, body and soul

Rivkah Krinsky

9:00 pm Door Prize! How to take home what we've learned and make it last

Itty Kay


Tuesday, MAY 4

9:45 amWelcome to Single Jewish Moms Connect – Forward/2021!

10:00 am Tips for a More Balanced, Peaceful Home: How to manage the stress, the moods and the chaos so you and your kids are happier and healthier

Sarah Chana Silverstein, author of Moodtopia

11:00 am The Secret to Forging Your Own Path Forward: How to cope when your life isn't what you thought it would be

Rabbi Manis Friedman

11:45 pm Wisdom You Need: 3 BIG ideas to turn your world right-side up


12:15 am Tips to Raising a Mentch: Kids these days! Is this a different generation? Do we have what it takes to raise them?

Rabbi Manis Friedman

2:00 am Meet, Connect, Network over breakfast, lunch or dinner

4:15 am The Gift of Deep Relaxation: Yoga, Shmoga, let’s have some fun and de-stress

Anna Libkhen

4:30 am The Secret to Gratitude: We talk about it all the time. Here’s how to experience gratitude every single day, no matter what’s going on around you

Freidy Yanover

5:30 am Tips for Online Dating: Real life, practical tips to meet and marry your “Bashert” from the people at JWed

Derek and Devora Saker, followed by Q&A

9:00 am Meet, Connect, Network over breakfast, lunch or dinner

9:30 am The Wisdom of Women–Moms Tell Their Stories: All that stuff you didn’t expect – and how to embrace it

11:00 am The Secret to Love that Lasts: Learn what to aim for and how to get there

Rabbi Manis Friedman

11:00 pm The Gift of Good Guidance: How to find a mentor who’s right for you (and be one for someone else!)

Freidy Yanover


2:00 am Tips to Empower You: How to make savvy financial decisions to protect yourself and your family, now and in the future

Sara Faitelson, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst and Financial Educator

Email Sara at

2:30 am Wisdom You Need For Life–Q&A: Doubt and confusion weigh you down. Clarity is liberating. Get it in today’s Q&A.

Rabbi Manis Friedman

Email Rabbi at

2:30 am Meet, Connect, Network over breakfast, lunch or dinner

3:00 am Tips for Holistic, Healthy Living for mind, body and soul

Rivkah Krinsky

4:00 am Door Prize! How to take home what we've learned and make it last

Itty Kay

Are you ready to get back to normal?
(What's normal, anyway??)

Because ready or not, the future is coming.

Welcome to Single Jewish Moms Connect Forward/2021!

Here's what you'll get over 3 days:

  • The secrets to being more energized and happier, and living with what's unexpected.
  • The gift of finding good guidance. And learning to live with gratitude - no matter what's going on in your life.
  • Tips for creating a financial plan to carry you through tough times. And for creating that killer, healthy meal (when it's not cereal for dinner).
  • The deep wisdom you need for the ups and downs of your most important relationships. 

You'll get all that and the support and friendship of other women who can actually finish your sentences because they know in 3-D where you're coming from.

If plane tickets, custody arrangements, time-off or anything else has ever gotten in the way of you attending an in-person retreat, here's your opportunity. You honestly cannot afford to miss this.

Who Comes?

Single Jewish Moms Connect is for women of all ages - whether you’ve got an infant at home or a teenager, or you’re a single-mom grandma.

It’s for women divorced, widowed, single mom by choice or however you became a single mom.

There's zero judgment. Just 100% love and support all the way. You're going to love that.

What’s a Virtual Retreat?

 √ OMG. Incredible workshops and classes designed especially for you.

√ New connections with fellow moms.

√ Advice you can trust from experts and educators.

Learn how to destress in 60 seconds.

Discover Jewish spiritual teachings that will reenergize you and keep you positive and calm, no matter what's going on around you.

Find out how to have the happy, healthy, loving relationship you've always wanted.

Learn how to get out of your own way and let old and new relationships flourish - no matter what happened in the past.

PLUS: exercise and extracurriculars - stay tuned!

Get advice from experts.

Are you stuck in a relationship and not sure if you should stay in or check out?

Do you need one-on-one help to stay calm through a crisis?

Do you need a path forward with an obstinate or withdrawn child?

There are plenty of opportunities to ask your questions during classes and workshops, but if you have a question or concern that's not being addressed, send an email to

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They're smart, funny and insightful

Meet this springs A-List educators

Friedman 150x150
Rabbi Manis Friedman
RABBI MANIS FRIEDMAN is a masterful teacher, counselor and social philosopher with decades of experience guiding women of all ages through the ups and downs of relationships, to create healthy, happy, holy families. He’s a master at putting our Divine mission and purpose within reach, no matter how challenging the personal circumstances are.
Friedman is founder and lead educator at Bais Chana, a world-renowned lecturer and author, and YouTube's most popular rabbi. 

Watch his videos on, and check out his website at

Itty Kay
Itty Kay

ITTY KAY is a passionate educator who gives you the spiritual insights you need in your life right now.Kay cracks open the Chassidic holy books with enthusiasm, peels back layers of superficiality and lets you peek at the world and yourself through the eyes of the Chassidic Masters. She’s also a single mom who knows where you're coming from. Email to sign up for her online classes at "Jewish Home & Office."

Freidy Yanover

FREIDY YANOVER is a brilliant and engaging teacher, not one to shy away from the deepest Chassidic and Kabbalistic writings. Despite that, she’s down to earth, very practical and wants to help you live the things you learn. You can count on her for clarity, depth and that all-too-rare quality - intellectual honesty.

She’s a single mom who's a lecturer and a life coach for individuals, couples and families. Watch her talk, From Fury to Forgiveness, on 

Rivkah Krinsky web
Rivkah Krinsky
RIVKAH KRINSKY is a certified Health Coach, host of the popular podcast ‘From the Inside Out- with Rivkah Krinsky & Eda Schottenstein’, wife and mother of eight children living in Brooklyn NY. Rivkah offers guidance and expertise in holistic healthy living to clients around the globe. Through her program ‘Revive with Rivkah’, she has empowered and nurtured many people to reach their personal health goals and find a healthy balance in a doable, sustainable way, making it a lifestyle.
She gives lectures and workshops to women and girls of all ages and stages in life, inspiring positive healthy change in mind, body and soul.
On her page you’ll find motivation to empower and recipes to inspire a healthy lifestyle.
Insta: revive_with_rivkah
FB: Revive with Rivkah
Anna Libkhen

ANNA LIBKHEN was born and raised in Moldova where she started ballet training and piano lessons soon after she had learned to walk. 

Since then she’s explored a wide variety of dance forms from African tribal to flamenco, Kathak, hip-hop, jazz and belly dancing.  

While working in India, Anna studied yoga instruction in Patanjali Institute of Yoga as well as traditional Indian medicine and science of well-being — Ayurveda.  Upon completion of the course, Anna worked at an Ayurvedic hospital administering various Ayurvedic treatments 

Today Anna continues to dance, teach and inspire others to fill their lives with movement meaning and joy. 

Sara Chana Silverstein
Sara-Chana Silverstein

SARA CHANA SILVERSTEIN, author of Moodtopia, is a Master Herbalist RH (AHG) who teaches women about the use of complementary medicine, a practice which integrates alternative and conventional medicines.

She is trained in Classical Homeopathy. She is an International Board-Certified Lactation/Breastfeeding Consultant (IBCLC) and a doula.

Silverstein is an author, columnist, keynote speaker, adult education teacher, community advocate for women and children, a wife and mother of seven children.


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Derek and Devorah Saker

JWed's DEREK SAKER, is an internationalist having lived and worked in South Africa, England, the U.S. and Israel. Most importantly, he speaks fluent Afrikaans. He is the Co-Founder of which was founded as “Frumster” in 2001. Between 2007 and 2019, Derek was Director of Communications at OHEL Children's Home and Family Services - the largest Jewish social service agency outside of Israel. In 2020 he returned full-time to JWed as the Chief Marketing Officer and as the service reached the milestone of 3,500 marriages. This successful dating service continues to rapidly expand, reaching out to an international world of Jewish singles, of diverse background - who are all marriage-minded. In late 2019, Derek moved to London, UK to settle with his wife, Devorah, a native Londoner and single mother - he met on!

Sara Faitelson
Sara Faitelson, CDFA
SARA FAITELSON, CDFA®, is a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst and  a Financial Educator and Retirement Income Specialist.
Sara's goal is to provide women with the education and guidance they need to make independent financial decisions. She works closely with clients who are separated, divorced, widowed and are looking for advice to make independent financial decisions.
Sara's ultimate goal is to serve as a resource for women to explore and incorporate the components of a comprehensive financial strategy to help ensure their value, security and future are well protected.
Ronni Amishay
Ronni Amishay

Single Jewish Moms Connect Director

RONNI AMISHAY is the Director of the Single Jewish Moms Connect division of Bais Chana. She comes to this position having lived as a single mom raising her family in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn where Chabad Lubavitch is headquartered.

Ronni brings years of retail, administrative, and life experiences to her position. Her upbeat attitude, her love of laughter, and her warm, non-judgmental personality make those who meet her feel appreciated and welcomed.

What does it cost?

You choose from 3 tiers of payment, from $18 to $150. No matter what you pay, you’re welcome to join the entire 2-day virtual retreat.

You must sign up in order to participate.

And if you’re able, please donate to help other single moms get the support they need. You’ll see that option on the sign up form. Thank you in advance for your kindness!


I’m ready! How do I sign up?

It’s easy! And important. You MUST sign up to join so that we can make this a private, safe environment you can trust. That means only single moms are welcome to join. If you haven't signed up, you won't be able to enter the virtual retreat room.

For your friends who aren't single moms, we run other retreats – virtual and live – for Jewish women of all ages. Find more info about that here.

DATES & TIMES - Eastern

Mon, May 3:
7:30-9:30 pm

Tues, May 4:
9 am-12:00 pm
2:30-5:00 pm
7:30-10 pm

Wed, May 5:
9 am-12:00 pm
1:00-3:00 pm


Questions? Comments? Ideas about how to make this greater? Call, text or whatsapp 917-364-2754. We want to hear from you!

See you soon!

"My thoughts are a lot more clear and I feel so much stronger, ready and able to deal with my challenges."

D, London, UK

"It’s going to be hard to describe to friends what this really did for me – I would keep it simple and state that it was life-changing.

Shirley, Cleveland

"I heard about it from a friend. I was hoping for inspiration, friendship, being around women who are supportive and understanding, and that’s exactly what I found here."


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