After Ours Club
Welcome to After Ours!
Your monthly meet-up to nurture your soul in sisterhood, feed your brain positivity, be seen in your radiant heart, laugh, be real and have fun.
Sign up only once - and you'll get the login for every After Ours event! No need to sign up for each event separately.
Next After Ours is Wednesday, Sept 4 at 1pm ET with Freidy Yanover, Chassidic Educator, EFT Practitioner and Certified Life Coach.
Greeting the New Month of Av
The energy of this month is all about finding wholeness among the brokenness, connecting with the bigger picture good when plans don't seem to go as we wished for them.
From Let Down
to Built Up!
Through self-hypnosis and the power of the subconscious mind, transform moments of despair into pathways of positivity.
Danna Pycher, Master Hypnotherapist
Monday, August 5-Rosh Chodesh Av
3 pm ET | 2 pm CT | 1 pm MT | 12 pm PT | 8 pm UK | 10 pm Israel
Get the login by clicking on the button above: Sign Up to Get the After Ours Zoom Link Here!
Danna Pycher is an international motivational speaker as featured on TEDx with more than 3 million views, hypnotherapist, and founder of the Transformation Clinic. Specializing in healing trauma, stress/anxiety, autoimmune disorders and weight loss, she works with people from around the world to help them overcome underlying emotional issues that create or aggravate physical distress.
Danna is the author of Third Generation, a book of powerful life philosophies as a third generation Holocaust descendant. In each chapter, she offers insight into how we, as individuals, can empower ourselves and all humanity to create a beautiful world in which to live life to its fullest with kindness and compassion.
If you are interested in learning more about working with Danna, healing events, courses, or becoming a practitioner please visit

For the next After Ours meet up
Monday, Sept 2