Single Jewish Moms Connect
MAY 14-17, 2020
Our Spring Plans and Covid-19
As of now we haven't made a decision yet about our upcoming spring retreat in the Berkshires. If the retreat is cancelled stay tuned for a Single Jewish Moms Connect virtual event.
Berkshire Hills is 640 gorgeous pristine acres on a private lake.
May 14-17, 2020 - Sign up now!
Relax with a book in the gazebo, go on a meandering walk through the lush green fields, finish a deep conversation with new friends on a boat ride, get creative in the art studio, or hike some of the property's stunning trails.
Sleeping rooms are in cabins, private and double occupancy. See rates below.
The food is super-healthy, delicious and kosher, prepared fresh daily just for us. If you have special dietary needs, please make sure to let us know when you sign up and we’ll do our best to accommodate you.

They're smart, funny and insightful
Meet this springs A-List educators

Rabbi Manis Friedman
RABBI MANIS FRIEDMAN is a gifted educator, internationally acclaimed lecturer, social philosopher, author and counselor. Friedman upends our assumptions about spirituality and G-d, and guides our most valued relationships to long-term, healthy, holy ones. He’s also a master at putting our Divine mission and purpose within reach, no matter how challenging the personal circumstances are. Watch his popular videos on

Itty Kay
ITTY KAY is a passionate educator who gives you the spiritual insights you need in your life right now. Get ready as Kay cracks open the Chassidic holy books with enthusiasm, peels back layers of superficiality and lets you peek at the world and yourself through the eyes of the Chassidic Masters. She’s also a single mom who gets it. Email to sign up for her online classes at "Jewish Home & Office."

Rus Devorah Wallen
RUS DEVORAH WALLEN is an accomplished educator, therapist and musician. She runs workshops on a range of topics - from "Destress in 60 seconds or less" to Chassidic philosophy, music, mindfulness and traditional observance - all with her trademark humor, irrepressible energy, big heart and genuine concern for others. Wallen's the founder of Toratherapeutics. Read more at

Freidy Yanover
FREIDY YANOVER is a brilliant and engaging teacher, not one to shy away from the deepest Chassidic and Kabbalistic writings. Despite that, she’s down to earth, very practical and wants to help you live the things you learn. You can count on her for clarity, depth and that all-too-rare quality - intellectual honesty. She’s a single mom who's a lecturer and a life coach for individuals, couples and families. Watch her talk, From Fury to Forgiveness, on

Stephanie Genkin
STEPHANIE GENKIN is a Certified Financial Planner™ and the founder of My Financial Planner LLC, a NY-State Registered Investment Advisor. She is an adjunct instructor at New York University and frequently quoted in the media (Yahoo Finance, USA Today, Huffington Post, and AARP, among others). Genkin was a news producer at CNN for 15 years and a foreign correspondent in the Middle East. Genkin’s workshop isn’t about picking the best stock or regrets over debt. It’s about your story, your goal and how she can help you build the financial resources to support the life you want. Check out her website,

Leah Ali
LEAH ALI was trained by Rochele Hirsch, master color palette analyst, and Jessica Riolo in styling the four seasons. Catch Leah Ali’s presentation, “Beauty Is In The Eye” on Monday and up for a free consultation.
Travel to the Retreat
Berkshire Hills, Here We Come

Arrival and Departure Times
Plan to arrive on May 14 at 5 pm
Plan to depart on May 17 at 2 pm
By Plane
If you're flying in for the retreat book your flights in and out of NYC, (2.5 hr drive) or Albany (1 hr).
By Car
Email us for the address.
Is planning your travel a daunting task. We get it. Call us at 718.604.0088, and we'll help!
Retreat Costs and Grants
The cost of the retreat is $780 and includes overnight accommodations, kosher meals, classes and workshops. It does not include your $50 sign up fee and travel expenses.
Please contact us if you can only attend part of the retreat; or if you’d just like to attend some classes, workshops and meals without overnight accommodations. If you need to arrange a monthly payment plan, email or call 718.604.0088.
If you need financial assistance to attend, it's easy to apply for a generous grant. Find out how.
Need some help? Call our office and we'll walk you through it. It's totally our pleasure to help!